In 2023 I'll be turning 49 years old. Things look so different from this vantage point. Yet, they look exactly the same. I quit blogging/vlogging twice in the last two years, only to find myself longing for it again. I debated back and forth for a really long time on if launching yet another blog was a good idea? I didn't want to repeat my last 20plus year cycle. I wanted something fresh and new and...well exciting. I wasn't sure how to get that to be honest. All I knew was that I needed a new perspective on the whole thing. Planetarily speaking, we are about to enter into another 20 year cycle. Things set into motion over the next six months will have lasting affects until 2043 roughly. But no pressure right?
Like everyone else, I had big dreams and plans for myself when I was younger. And for a while, it looked like I was going to be able to achieve them. I had graduated from high school, which right there for members of my family was a feat in itself. Coming in second place a few times in city wide poetry and writing contests. Graduated from college, again for my family that was a huge thing to accomplish, especially being a woman. In my family, totally unheard of at that time. What can I say; my family has a lot of issues. Worked a year in my field which was Broadcasting. Had my poetry published in a few local magazines and one independent 'zine from Australia. And all this before the age of 25. The next couple of years looked so promising, with my art being accepted to a local gallery where it was part of a six month exhibit. Not once, but twice. Had an audition for a horror host job, all the while continuing to write. I had even started to get some traction on my first blog. Remember, this was in the early days of blogging back when all you could do was comment. There were no other forms of social media to help link things to. Youtube wouldn't even be invented for another six years.
Then I turned 29 and everything seemed to fall apart. Rejection letter after rejection letter from magazines and publishers. The one editor I managed to get scammed me, leaving me in debt. The production company I had been slowly building since 1992 dissolved before my eyes. I ended up having multiple injuries over the next few years, and I haven't even begun to talk about my social life. And then, I wrote the greatest thing I've ever written in my life. A penny-dreadful style soap opera on my blog. I spent the majority of the 2010's writing this epic supernatural soap opera, only to find out in 2020 that I'd been ripped off. And not just by one person either. I was destroyed emotionally. It felt like going through both a death and a divorce all at once. I had no means to even fight them. My work just kept getting recommended back to me in a continued loop of grief every time I turned around. The worst part was, they'd taken my story about addiction and abuse, turning it into a BDSM erotica, launching a sub-genre from it. I was mortified! I stopped writing all together. Did not pick up a pen again for two years.
In case you haven't connected the dots, the year I turned 29 was the last time we had such a large multi planetary shift. The last big twenty year cycle was kicked off back in 2003. I wish I had known that beforehand. I would have been a little bit better prepared for the rapid change in fortune.
So I am now entering into 2023 with hopefully a new perspective on things. After the last twenty years, things can only improve.