I had this dream last night, where I was walking down a crowded street taking random photos. When suddenly, a fire broke out in a building about a half block up from where I was. In this dream, I moved with the crowd to get a better look and as I did, realized the thick black smoke was coming from a multi chimney building. Suddenly, my surroundings shifted and the multi chimney was inside a large room which I quickly realized was a science fair. The dream progressed with a very hot young man who was shirtless for some reason, walking up to me and asking me out on a date. My first response was no; but then I changed my mind and said yes. Only then did my dream self remember to ask how old the hot shirtless guy was. He refused to answer me and at this point was holding onto my upper arm refusing to let go, as I watched his face morph from smiling and perky to one eye slightly drooping and his attitude become shady. I remember saying in the dream that I was much older than he thought I was only to have him tell me that wasn't true. I woke from the dream still feeling the grip from this imagined man's hand with a crazy redness on my upper arm. I can not explain the real life pre-bruise on my arm. Part of me wants to believe it was an actual dreamscape into an alternate reality, part of me really wants to believe it was just a dream.
Either way, my subconscious mind was trying to tell me something. What or Who am I afraid of? What did the burning chimney represent? Why did it change from a s crowded outdoors to a crowded indoors? Why was the hot young stud shirtless? What does all this mean to me in my real world?
I'm only going to focus on the man in the dream, as that was the only thing that left a physical impression. In the dream, he approached me asking me out. My first response was no because I could not believe he'd be interested. Then dream me changed my mind because I told myself to take a chance and make a bold move. To not hermit myself away. But then, the guy in this dream became different. Possessive and scary. I actually felt creeped out in the dream and that feeling lingered for a few minutes after waking.
Who does he represent? Younger men in general? The dating world as we currently find it throughout the digital age? Or something even my overactive imagination has overlooked?
The shirtless part I believe is easy enough to decode. Raw sexuality. Men present themselves as authority figures through their actions more than even their words. Through their sexuality. Especially confident men. But, was the shirtless guy in my dream confident? Or was his bare front representing someone putting on a front. Trying to make themself seem more than they are? I have to hand it to my subconscious for making the guy all abs and arms. Again, the idea of raw power.
Maybe it's not as subconscious as I first thought? As men who look that good are intimidating. Hands down. A man who looks like he should be on the cover of a magazine because he's basically chiselled from stone; or looks like he should be competing for the X-Division title, is way more than a little intimidating. They are a ton intimidating.
I mean, how does one approach a man who looks like he is a living breathing work of art?
Okay, so hot men terrify me.
Not the takeaway from this I don't think. I'm still hung up on the fact the guy in the dream was not what he seemed given as the dream progressed, he became something mean and untrustworthy. My gut instinct in the dream was to turn him down, then I talked myself into saying yes, which turned out to be a mistake. When is our first response of 'no thanks' because of actual intuition and when is it just to stay in our comfort zone?