As I write this, I am just a few months away from my 49th birthday. That's just one tiny step from 50. Half a century. Damn, I know I don't feel that old.
With this modern day and age where everyone is connected to everyone else and at any point you can find yourself in the presence of a star; what's the etiquette? I know change doesn't happen unless you step out of your comfort zone and do something. Anything. So last week, I did just that. I saw that one of the biggest Canadian celebrities was online. He had just posted a couple of things on his social media and his 'available' light was green. So, I stepped out of my comfort zone and sent a quick message. There. I did something to change the stagnant energy I've been stuck in for the last few years. Was it a big thing? In the grand scheme of things no; but in my current world, it was huge! For the next few hours I allowed myself to revel in the 'what ifs' and 'totally wish it would'. I let myself really feel what it would be like to get a reply and start up a conversation with this man. I've been a fan of his work since 2009, and just the fact he's the same generation as myself and he's managed to win a stack of awards...I just could not pass this chance up.
The evening progressed and I'd gone to bed when my phone buzzed. I saw his messenger icon. I blinked back the sleepiness and told myself not to get too excited, it could be just his publicity manager or even just one of those automated 'thanks for your questions we'll get back to you soon'.
Reading the reply, I realized it was truly him. I had just gotten a bona fide message from one of the biggest names in Canadian entertainment. My excitement was over the scales as my brain caught up to the situation. A major Canadian celebrity was sitting there online waiting for me to take my turn in the conversation. I had dreamed about this moment, imagined what kind of questions I would ask about how he got his career off the ground. Imagined to be completely honest about how it might get flirty.
I became so star struck I choked. All I managed as a reply was "thank you for your time". I wimped out. End of conversation.
At that moment my age meant nothing. It was as if I was still a seventeen year old talking to my crush. Yeah, my brain pulled one of those on me. But, I learned something about myself by taking that first bold step in reaching out. As long as I do not over think things, I can do anything. Even talk to hot talented celebrities.