It is Day 217 of the year and the big project. Which means, that it is time for the multiverse of personal madness and horror as I dive head first into my list of horror movie challenges.
August 1st started the yearly #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days, challenge by Sarah Stubbs. I was thinking that I would skip it this year, because last year it had been difficult to find 100 horror movies that I hadn't seen yet. But, at the last second I decided to join in. I managed to watch just over 100 last year for the 2023 challenge, so I'm hoping this year I at least crack even. You can follow my current 2024 list here.
And my own 31 Days of Hallowe'en Challenge is going to be happening in October. I will get more into that the closer we get to it. I'll be doing mini reviews both on here and my Letterboxd during the month of October. But here is a list of the categories if you want to join me.
Last year, I also took part in the horror challenge being hosted by Nightmare on Film Street. I haven't seen any listings by them yet, but if the challenge does happen this year, then I fully plan on joining that one too.
Stay tuned for more on these challenges, as well as my Hallowe'en Adventures in general.