It's Day 69 of my 2024 One Movie A Day project. That makes it's 69 days into the year. Now, I know in the last part of this series, I said I'd be back early in March; and it's closer to the middle of the month. I've been dealing with a bit of a family emergency. My mother ended up in the hospital this last week and I've barely had a second to breath let alone get online. Needless to say, nothing has really happened in my personal life. At least nothing that currently parallels the movie in question. That movie being Rob Zombie's The Munsters. I laid out the theory and point to this project in the first two parts of the series.
If you want to follow along with the one movie a day list, you can do so on my Letterboxd.
With that said, the only men I've met since the last part of the series, have been medical staff. All of whom are either too young or already married.
This is going to be the shortest article/post I've done, as I am pressed for time and am going to wrap it up. The movies I've enjoyed the most since the last check in with part 3 of the series has been Posthumous, Dune Part 1 (2021) and Kiss Me Goodbye. (Days 57, 58 and 65)
I will be back in the beginning of April with the next part of the series.