It's October 1st 2024, Day 275 of my One Movie a Day project and Day 1 of the 31 Days of Hallowe'en challenges I'm doing this year. The first one is my own 31 Days of Hallowe'en challenge, which I mentioned back in August; (you can find that post here) and the mini topic is New To You Horror. I chose the movie The Uninvited. This starts off like a revenge story, and switches to a bit of what looks like a ghost story, then ends up being a psycho killer story. You think from the first few minutes that you know what the plot is and where it's headed, but it takes you down a bit of a turn.
We follow a young teen as she is let out of a mental hospital after witnessing a murder. She can't seem to remember all the details, but has this fear of her new step-mother. As the week progresses, she uncovers more and more of her memories and begins to dig into the background of her new step-mother with the help of her sister. As she does, those she cares for most, begin to die.
The second challenge is the 31 Days of Horror being hosted by Nightmare on Film Street. Their mini theme of the day is Horror Anthologies. I picked Halloween Horror Tales.
Here we follow a story teller as she tells us about a serial killer clown, a horror host who's more than meets the eye, a killer plant and a vampire.
I have to admit, I did not care for the first story in this; the killer clown. It played a bit too generic for me. The two middle stories about the horror host and the killer plant I actually liked. They were a little more original. The second segment about the horror host has a scene that is a bit lengthy and at first slightly confusing. It's almost as if the editor couldn't make up their mind if the scene should have been at the opening of the segment or middle? And the fourth story about the vampire, ties into the actual story teller. Sadly, you don't see anything new it the fourth story.
Don't forget, I'm also doing the #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days challenge too (here). All these can be followed on my Letterboxd lists.
I'll be posting about the challenges all month long, so come back tomorrow to see what I've dug up.