Jupiter retrograde on 9th
Pluto goes direct on the 11th
New Moon on the 2nd
Solar Eclipse on the 2nd
Canadian Thanksgiving on the 14th
Full Moon on the 17th
Sun moves into Scorpio on 22nd (Scorpio Season starts)
Hallowe'en on 31st
Fun dates: October 4th International Taco Day, October 6th International Noodle Day, October 17th World Pasta Day, October 26th National Pumpkin Day.
Since it's so late in the month, and doing an October horoscope is basically useless now, I'm just going to pull a bit of a tarot reading. I used to do readings on my old facebook page using Beetlejuice themed playing cards. So, I'll do that here.
The 10 of Hearts which equals the 10 of Cups.
The ten of cups is a card about fulfillment, getting your heart's desire/wish come true. 10's in tarot are about endings, and are connected to the Wheel of Fortune.
The image on the Beetlejuice playing deck, is of him dancing down the street of the model town, towards the brothel. He's got his jacket half open exposing his red vest/shirt. This is a scene where he's being baited and tricked by the others, but is just fine with that knowledge. He's at this point, excepting his current fate and regrouping his plans. (I'll have to upload images at a later date)
What do I get from this? Nothing is as bad as it can first seem. The character is not sweating the small stuff, and neither should you. Not every victory is gotten by force, and not every loss should be seen as tragic. Given this would be the 10 of cups in the usual tarot deck, I think going with the idea of an ending and change of fortune might be the theme here. Sometimes embracing a loss is what's going to help you get back on track to your ultimate wish.
I'll be back next month with a proper Horror-Scope.