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Writer's pictureArdeth Blood

September 2024 Horror-Scope

Uranus goes retrograde on September 1st

New Moon on September 2nd

Full Moon on September 17th

Lunar Eclipse on September 17th

Mabon/Fall Equinox on September 22nd

Sun goes into the zodiac of Libra (Libra season starts) September 22nd

Fun Dates International Cheese Pizza Day September 5th, World Teddy Bear Day September 9th, National Coffee Day September 29th

Since we're already a few days into the month, I thought I would do something a little bit different this month, and pull tarot cards for each zodiac.

Aries March 21st-April 19th: The Hermit card. It's the 9th card in the Major Arcana. It means enlightenment, solo work, the end of a cycle about to happen, resolution to a problem or task, retreating from others for awhile. It's connected to the god Hermes /Mercury and Saturn. He represents having found balance within your masculine and feminine self. The 9 in each suit of the tarot (wands, cups, swords and pentacles) are all connected to joy and fulfillment.

This is a time of new growth, of winding down one phase or project in order to get clarity on the new path ahead. You will be asked to find the wisdom in the silence.

Taurus April 20th-May 20th: The Ten of Swords card. Swords are connected to communication. Tens are always the final part of something, a complete ending of a cycle. The ten in swords means the end of a difficult situation, the end of pain, and the end of over thinking something. This is a card about releasing the past, be it a recent situation or a really old one.

This might be a time where you have to ask yourself if you have surrounded yourself with the right people? In order to step away from any past conflicts, be sure you're not allowing any doubts to cloud your mind.

Gemini May 21st-June20th: The Ten of Wands card. This is a card of burdens, of not seeing the forest for the trees, of a cycle ending, stuck in a routine. Tens are always the final part of something, a complete ending of a cycle. Wands are connected to passion, creativity, sexuality and action.

You might want to look at the areas of your life that you might be either loosing passion for, or where you might be able to let someone else handle the workload for you. If you don't let go of something you could put your health at risk.

Cancer June 21st-July 22nd: The Devil card. This is the 15th card of the Major Arcana. This is connected to obsessions, habits, routines, fears, and material struggles. It's connected to the god Pan and all Horned gods. Simply put this card is about repression.

You might need to ask yourself this month what it is you need to face? What or who in your environment is holding you down from reaching your goals?

Leo July 23rd-August 22nd: The Two of Cups. This is a card of partnerships, soulmates, twin flames, business partners, friends and love. Twos are always about balance. The Cups are connected to love, creativity, and emotions.

You could very well be meeting someone new this month, be it a new romantic relationship or business partner.

Virgo August 23rd-September 22nd: The Three of Pentacles card. This is a card of working together, of being praised for your work, it's a card of the artist and entertainer. Pentacles are connected to work, health, wealth, and abundance. As well as time. If it can happen in the physical world, the pentacle is connected to it.

You could see your efforts finally being recognized this month. If you are thinking of signing a new contract this is a good month to do so.

Libra September 23rd-October 22nd: The Tower card. This is the 16th card in the Major Arcana. It's connected to sudden change, and anything fast moving. It can be shocking, but not always. It's a card of knowledge and truth. It's about releasing the past and exposing any misunderstandings. It's connected to the gods Mars, Thor and Zeus and the planet Mars.

Something that has blocked your current progress will be removed opening a new path for you. This unblocking might come with a surprising piece of information, or simply at such a rapid speed it takes your breath away.

Scorpio October 23rd-November 21st: The Ten of Pentacles. Pentacles are connected to anything in the physical world, to work, to health, wealth, abundance, and time. All tens in tarot are connected to a final ending of a cycle. The ten of pentacles is about family, community, working together and legacy.

You might be finding yourself with a new social group this month, or even at the center of your current one. Ask yourself what you want to be remembered by? If by chance, you are ending a partnership/work contract, you will be at peace with the situation.

Sagittarius November 22nd-December 21st: The Chariot: It's the 7th card of the Major Arcana. It's a card about balance, about movement and looking under the surface of something. A card connected to having to work with another in order to have results. It's connected to leadership, victory, personal drive and believing in yourself. It's connected to the gods Apollo and Artemis and Helios.

You might have to ask yourself if you're in control of your emotions or environment? Have you found the right balance to move forward within a project? This could also be telling you that you have struck the perfect balance both within and with others over the course of this month. Your course is set and if the balance is there, you will progress swiftly and smoothly this month.

Capricorn December 22nd-January 19th: The Hierophant. It's the 5th card in the Major Arcana. 5's in tarot are all about change, but ironically, the Hierophant is about structure, marriage, confines, religion, the divine masculine, routine, counseling and knowledge. Connected to the gods Horus, Jupiter and Mithras.

You might find yourself seeking a new routine or returning to an old community. Something where the structure of it is comforting to you. A new contract might be on the horizon this month as well. If you are in a leadership position, don't be too shocked if you're finding yourself overcome with people asking you to fix a situation for them.

Aquarius January 20th-February 18th: The Ace of Pentacles. Aces are about new beginnings. Pentacles are connected to the physical world, health, wealth, time, and abundance. This is a card about things manifesting as if out of nowhere, of planting something new be it metaphorically or literally, feminine energy and growth.

You most likely will find yourself in the heart of a new cycle of abundance. Something creative project you started is about to bare fruit. Or, if you are just starting something this month, it will come to fruition a lot quicker than you originally expected.

Pisces February 19th-March 20th: The Eight of Cups. Cups are about creativity, love, emotions. The eights in tarot are about nearing the end of a cycle. This is a card about transitions. Of being at the threshold of one phase before starting the next. It's about hard work, hobbies and mastering your talents/skills.

You might be about to go on a journey, be it literal or metaphorical. You are moving on with your life, and there isn't any regrets at all. The decision was made both logically and emotionally. You are ready for whatever this next phase is.

And the part that makes this a horror scope and not just a regular horoscope... well, normally I pick a movie that I feel connects to the repeating messages, but I've got nothing this month that is really jumping to my mind. The overarching theme this month seems to be endings and beginnings. Just new cycles in general. Which actually, makes sense with the lunar eclipse and the fact Mabon is this month. I'm going to suggest the movie Practical Magic this month as the homework. The two main characters find themselves facing the end of their marriages, deaths, and finding their place in society again. You might want to watch it and see if anything the characters are going through rings true to anything in your life currently. If so, that might be an area you need to address.

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