At the beginning of 2021, I started to write about the idea of living by a set of rules laid out through Jane Austen novels and their adaptations. Namely, Bridget Jones's Diary. I never finished. Not because I backed out, but because I didn't really get a chance to start.
I ended up having a horrible slip and fall breaking my hip and shattering my plevis. I spent 3 months in hospital and had two surgeries. Then another full year in physiotherapy.
It's now the last week of 2022, and as I ask myself what my plans are for the coming year of 2023; I keep thinking about all my loose ends. And I have to ask myself, do I really want to attempt to do this again? The answer is... I don't know.
A lot of the blogging style I've done in the past 12 years, has been challenges. Some were year long ( like my one different movie a day for a year) other ones were a one time situation (like an under $5 recipe challenge). Part of me misses the structure of them. Part of me does not. But, here I am once again tossing back and forth an idea for yet another challenge.
Well, two if I'm being honest.
The first one would be a general daily prompt while the second would be another movie challenge. To be fair, I'm still as I type this ; debating if I should even continue to blog? I walked away from blogging/vlogging twice in the last year only to be sucked back in.
So then, what would be my motive? Why at this point in my life would I blog daily about anything, specially when I do not get paid to? I suppose it's just the same old reason I've always that I have something to do. A way to keep busy and creative. To fill the voided lull when I end up struggling with writer's block.