It's Day 301 of my One movie a Day for 2023. As well as being Day 28 of both my own 31 Days of Hallowe'en project, and the 31 Days of Horror Challenge being hosted by Nightmare On Film Street. And, I can not forget to talk about 100HorrorMoviesIn92Days challenge I joined this year.
So, this part here is the paragraph where I've been talking all month about how for the last decade, I've been doing on my old social medias, a 13 Days of Hallowe'en project, where I would do movie reviews, recipes and comedy skits; which ran from the 19th-31st of October. But this year I decided to just keep it simple and just do the Hallowe'en projects on this new site and my Letterboxd.
For my own 31 Days of Hallowe'en project, today's mini challenge was A Sequel. I decided to pick Scream 3.
We follow the character of Sydney who has been in hiding for the last while. Ghostface has decided to stalk and kill the actors who are making the latest Stab movie, in hopes of flushing out Sydney's location in order to finish what was started years before. As each member of the Stab movie production becomes a new target, can Sydney, Gail and Dewy make it out alive and find out who the copy cat killer is?
This is my personal favourite in the franchise. The combination of the actors in this has to be the perfect mix. Parker Posey is always a highlight no matter what kind of character she's playing and given she's playing a heightened version of an already over the top cliche, you've got to admit she steels every scene. I love that this ups the meta levels, giving us not just a movie in a movie, but the commentary on expectations of what a third installment in a franchise has. With the amount of red herrings adding a few extra twists but keeping to the original format just enough to keep it fresh, you see why this franchise has become what it has.
The mini challenge for today for the 31 Days of Horror Challenge being hosted by Nightmare on Film Street, is Classic Monster. I decided to go kid friendly for this and picked Scooby-Doo Where's My Mummy?
Scooby and the gang find themselves in Egypt helping Thelma on a dig to uncover Cleopatra's tomb. While there, the treasure is threatened by a group of treasure hunters. Can everyone survive the curse that has been unleashed when an Ankh gets taken unleashing zombie-mummies?
I ended up going this route simply because I was having a hard time finding something in this category that wasn't something I've already covered. My first instinct was to go for Wolf-Man or Frankenstein from the 1930's/1940's, but I just couldn't get my hands on either. And after the ton of vampire movies I've done during the last two months, I just needed something different.
This plays pretty straight forward for most of the story. The gang stumble on the mystery of who's unleashed the curse, they bump into a second set of suspects after the treasure hunters, only to discover a con-man and robots. Which, by the way, felt extremely out of place in this. There is more than a few double-crosses in this one actually, ending up with one of the Scooby gang being behind the Mummy's ghost in order to keep everyone else safe.
I ended up not liking this one. It almost felt like it was trying too hard to make the second plotline of the con-man and robots fit in a story that otherwise didn't need it.
Check back tomorrow to see what other tricks and treats are on the slab. We're only a couple days left in these Hallowe'en challenges for 2023.