It's day 62 of the year and the project. If you've been following along with this series, you know I firmly believe the theory movie fans have that the first movie you watch on January 1st will affect your calendar year. I've proven it already. This year, I chose to watch Elvira Mistress of the Dark as my first movie of 2025. Last month was a slap of drama, paralleling some of the drama that was represented in the movie. This month nothing happened. Which, given last month, is a good thing.
Okay, so you might also know that once again I'm doing a movie a day challenge, which is what got this series started to begin with.
What was the best thing I watched this last month? I think I have to hand it to the sci-fi movie Source Code. One of those mind-benders that has you guessing what's really happening through most of it, with a semi-twist ending. If you want to follow along on my daily movie challenge on my Letterboxd here's the link
I have to take the loss this month, and say it's a short boring check in. Let's hope next month's is a bit spicier. The movie does have a romantic subplot.
I'll be back next month with the next round.