It's Day 282 of the year and the project, which means it's Day 8 of the 31 Days of Hallowe'en movie challenges. And today there is one movie that happens to fit the bill for all the mini challenges. I'll start with my own 31 Days of Hallowe'en challenge, that I've talked about back in August. And my mini theme for today is Book to Film. And the mini theme for the 31 Day Horror Challenge being hosted by Nightmare on Film Street is Body Horror.
I picked the movie Color Out of Space.
When a piece of meteorite lands on the property of a small farm, it begins to transform the area and the people around it.
This is an adaptation of a H.P. Lovecraft story. It's done in a modern setting and in the style of an isolation horror for the majority of the story. Midway, we get into the body horror full on, though it's hinted at from the first few minutes of the film. It brings in the typical elements of Lovecraft; something in the water, witchcraft, the Necronomicon, and aliens. Everyone begins to fear their surroundings, and hallucinate therefore mistrusting each other to the point of violence.
I can only assume that the sub-plot to this is how our families are both everything to us and both suffocating at the same time. There is a line that Nicolas Cage's character repeats over and over about how families stick together. This becomes a foreshadowing to the body horror later on.
If you want to follow along to my daily Letterboxd lists, don't forget I'm also taking part again this year in the #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days as well.
Come back tomorrow to see what I've decided on for the next round.