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Writer's pictureArdeth Blood

March 2024 Horror-Scope

Mercury enters Aries on March 9th

New Moon on March 10th

Daylight Savings time begins on the night of March 10th/March 11th

Venus enters Pisces on March 11th

The Sun enters Aries on the 19th (begins Aries Season)

Ostara/Spring Equinox on March 19th

Mars enters Pisces on March 22nd

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on March 25th

Easter weekend Mach 29th-31st

Venus and Mars will both be in Pisces this month, which will put a spotlight on everyone's career, love and money elements.

Eclipse season will find everyone dealing with a return or review of something from last October; as eclipses tend to affect things in 6 months-2 year cycles depending on the planets when the eclipses occur.

Disclaimer - I am just an amateur Astrologer with some baseline knowledge in Astrology. For this post, I read multiple 2024 yearly overviews from multiple other astrology sites. I pulled the most common elements that seemed to repeat for the Aries through Pisces portion.

Aries March 21st -April 19th You will find yourself in lighter spirits this month. As it is your zodiac season, things will affect you on a more intense level. Expect success in your career/work environment, and don't be afraid to go for your goals. You could be torn this month between dreams an practicality. Be careful of old patterns and unfinished business creeping up from last Hallowe'en, but don't sweat it. The lunar eclipse will be sending your relationships both personal and career, into overdrive.

Taurus April 20th-May 20th You will find yourself feeling braver than usual. Expect a very busy social calendar, as you're on the cusp of big changes leading into your own birth season. You might find yourself being a team player out of the blue on a project you didn't expect to. Have patience this month as the eclipse will be shinning a big spotlight on your career.

Gemini May 21st-June 21st Be careful not to overdo things physically this month. Just because you've got the energy does not mean to move at warp speed. There is a high chance of injury this month if you do. You could see yourself getting an unexpected promotion. Step our of your digital/internet comfort zone and socialize a bit more in the real world. The eclipse this month will mark your progress on anything that you put into motion last Hallowe'en.

Cancer June 22nd-July 22nd Your health is a key point this month, as your mental clarity is connected to your physical stamina. Careful who you trust. You could find yourself in an expected leadership role with new clarity in your career. You could see a return of issues/dreams from Hallowe'en. Travel options are going to be a big topic for you this month.

Leo July 23rd-August 22nd Expect road blocks to be removed this month, with greater success than usual. Your social standing might attract extra attention this month. Nothing is silly if it really matters to you, so put your heart into your goals. The eclipse will have you looking back a bit too much, so be careful not to let the past control your present.

Virgo August 23rd-September 22nd Be open this month to new points of view. Dream big and let your imagination draw towards you new love in all areas. The eclipse this month will spotlight any changes you need to make going forward.

Libra September 23rd-October 22nd Expect a lot of changes this month coupled with a new found balance. You should expect things from last Hallowe'en to pop up in subtle ways influencing you throughout the month. The eclipse will show you any health changes you need to make right now, including if you need to rest more.

Scorpio October 23rd-November 21st Comfort will be a priority this month. Don't hold anything back. Channel any restlessness into your love life. The eclipse this month will help to dig up anything that needs to come to the surface.

Sagittarius November 22nd- December 21st With comfort being your middle name this month, you will find your stride. But do not let that fool you, as you should still expect a very busy social calendar. As you will find yourself at a crossroads in your career, the lunar eclipse will shine a light on what you need to focus on going forward.

Capricorn December 22nd-January 19th Expect some major relationship issues this month. Don't let your fears get the better of you, be brave enough express yourself creatively. Let yourself reverberate with your own values, and do not let others convince you otherwise. Big career transitions will be spotlighted by the eclipse.

Aquarius January 20th-February 18th Expect a lot of contradictions this month; as you will find yourself in solitude often, but still needing to network. This is a good time to pick up a new hobby, as well as putting energy into improving your personal space. Don't over think anything this month, even though the eclipse is forcing you to question everything.

Pieces February 19th -March 20th This is a time to be open about everything in your relationships both personal and career. Express your passions for your future intentions, and prioritize your own values, staying focused on your dreams. The eclipse this month is affecting all signs, forcing everyone to examine what they were doing last Hallowe'en. You should expect a very quick turn around this month connecting to things you were doing last October.

And this is the part that makes this a horror-scope and not just a normal horoscope... The eclipse is the common factor this month, along with the fact we've got Ostara/Spring Equinox and Easter. They are actually all the same thing just from different religions. But, I'm just going to focus on the Eclipse season. As I was writing this, I kept thinking of the Twilight Saga films New Moon and Eclipse. Ironically, I can never remember which is which, or what happens in any of the franchise as they are all a big blur to me. I do know however, that New Moon deals with grief and heartbreak, while Eclipse deals with identity and finding your personal social group. (sort of) The eclipse this month will dig up old patterns and unfinished business from last autumn. That alone then made me think about the movie My Boyfriend's Back. In My Boyfriend's Back, we follow a teenager who has only one goal before graduating from high school, to get a date with his crush. Only, he dies shortly before prom. His desire for this date is so powerful, he returns from the dead as a zombie to fulfill this last wish. You might want to watch one of these, if not all of them this month, and ask yourself if you see yourself in any of these characters? If so, that might be an area of your life that currently needs some attention.

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