I have seen the 1994 Preta Porter (Ready to Wear); close to thirty times in the last thirty years. I like it, it's not great by any means, but it's not as horrible as some people make it out to be. It's definitely a time capsule for the early 1990's. The plot is both thin and overly complicated at the same time. Two reporters are tasked with covering fashion week, but have no knowledge or interest in doing so. Meanwhile, there is a scandal happening that centers around the death of a major fashion house. I think the movie struggles with the fact it's got such a large cast and that they all interact throughout the film. Had they broken up the stories into four smaller ones; almost anthology style, self contained until the end, and then have everyone gather at one big runway show to reveal how everyone actually knows each other, it would have worked better and not felt so chaotic. Although, the chaotic vibe fits with the backstage workings of fashion week. This was shot on location during an actual Paris Fashion Week during 1994, and we are treated to over half the runways of real designers in this movie. Only three of the runway showings were created/curated for the film and it's plot.
How does this movie compare to it's much bigger counterpart The Devil Wears Prada? It just doesn't. Both movies tackle story lines of betrayal and infidelity in vastly different ways. Both center around Paris Fashion Week - Ready to Wear makes it the main setting, while Devil Wears Prada makes it a goal/reward near the end of the film. These two movies are about a decade apart, with the film The Intern having popped up between bridging the gap. The Intern, takes a softer approach to working at a magazine as it's a satire of the business. It also ironically, does not focus on fashion as much.

Unlike both Ready to Wear and The Intern, only Devil Wears Prada managed to become a fashion lovers dream come true. As many of the outfits worn by the cast have become style goals/inspirations for fans. Nearly twenty years since DWP came out and it still gets style analyzed by people everyday. I think this has as much to do with how easy it is to replicate the looks than anything else.

The two outfits the lead character wears here; the caramel-chocolate coloured leather trenchcoat and striped dress, as well as the dark velvet coat, mini dress and chunky charm necklace are my personal favourites from the entire film. Both are polished but still relaxed.

One of my personal favourite fashion films, isn't actually a "fashion film". It is in fact, a foodie movie. Simply Irresistible. Designed for the movie by Todd Oldham the colour palette and sleek designs encapsulate the end of the 1990's and the hopefulness of the 2000's. With once again, style choices that were/are easy to replicate.

We see our lead character in a vast array of corals, burnt oranges, mint greens and floral. A softer palette which lends itself to how vulnerable and feminine our character is meant to be, even though she is in a business that demands she be strict and tough skinned. When the character decides to make a bold move and visits her love interest offering him homemade desserts; she is dressed in darker shades such as the purple dress and striped trenchcoat; representing what would be considered a more masculine approach to their situation. As well, in another scene after she's proven herself successful with her catering event and joins the party, her confidence is expressed in her wardrobe. She starts the event in a bold printed t-shirt and skirt before changing into a pastel pink dress. once again expressing the balance needed to be a woman in her field. It's also one of the few times in the movie we see her wearing black.

The 2021 remake of Cruella, put punk back on the map and into the forefront as it is set in the 1970's. It used the punk movement almost as a character all it's own, drawing from not just the look and feel that that generation was involved in, but as the political statement punk originally stood for. I fully intend to talk about Cruella at a later date in more depth.
I'll be back soon with Part 2.